The Marriage Ceremony for Therese & Steve


Music - Come Away With Me - Norah Jones

Therese, the bride, will enter on the arm of her father, Joe. A formal handover will then take place between Joe to Steve, the groom.

Introduction and Welcome

Good afternoon and welcome to the wedding of Therese (Middle & Surname) and Stephen (Surname). My name is Martin Bramble and I am an authorised marriage celebrant. Therese and Steve are overjoyed that you are here to partake in their special day. Today is the beginning of their shared life into the future, which they would love you, their family and friends, to witness.

This commitment of marriage for them is not entered into lightly. They have chosen to intertwine their lives together from this time onwards into a special future. They understand that they will now share the good and the bad times that life presents, and feel that by having each other they will be supported, loved and nurtured. They will always be there for each other, to support each other and love each other for the rest of their lives.

Marriage for them is a shared commitment. A coming together of two like-minded people, who know, that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. This partnership is built on love, trust and respect. It's also about being there for each other whenever the need arises to support or offer advice.

Also Therese and Steve want everyone to know that they are best friends, who share a very wonderful friendship. This shows in their shared interests, and the great mix of friends who are here today. This sharing of their lives with their mates will continue into their marriage, and of course with their families as well.

What are their plans for their life together? After they travel overseas extensively, starting with their honeymoon in Italy, they want to eventually have a family. They want to enjoy everyday and grow together. A life crowded with laughter, joy, happiness and happy days. A life shared with family and good friends.

A life of love that grows even stronger over time, where being with each other is just like breathing out and breathing in. A commitment to respect, believe in, and, be there for each other. That is why they are overjoyed to take this step to formalise their union by marriage.

We as witnesses can see how much Therese and Steve love each other, and how each and every one of you can take up the challenge to share the rest of their lives together. They know you all and believe their lives together will only grow stronger by having you as an integral part. I can see by the smiles on your faces that you agree and would like to share that happiness.

I would like to call on Samantha for the 1st Reading, an Irish Wedding Blessing

1st Reading – an Irish Wedding Blessing – Anon – read by Samantha

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon the fields.
May the light of friendship guide your paths together.
May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home.
May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips, A twinkle from your eye.
And when eternity beckons, at the end of a life heaped high with love,
May the good Lord embrace you with the arms that have nurtured you the whole length of your joy-filled days.
May the gracious God hold you both in the palm of His hands. And, today, may the Spirit of Love find a dwelling place in your hearts. Amen.

Family Support

Therese and Steve would like to acknowledge their parents. Would Sue and Joe, and Tabitha and Graeme please stand? Are you prepared to support and nurture the marriage of Therese and Steve by giving them your love and support, now and always? Reply: We are.

Candle Ceremony for absent friends

Therese and Steve would now like to light a candle together to remember their many friends overseas who could not be with them today. These good friends have sent many emails and cards of support for which they are both truly thankful.

Therese and Steve light the candle together with a taper from a tea candle

Therese and Steve's Story

Therese and Steve would like me to share with you their story. It was funny how they met back in February 2010. They had both boarded a train at Wynyard bound for the North Shore about 7pm. The train was not as crowded as it usually was and they just happened to sit next to each other – Strangers on a train. The train came out of the tunnel and started crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Then it stopped. They waited, as did everyone else.

After about 10 minutes the guard announced that the signals were red and they couldn't proceed. They waited another 10 minutes and the guard announced there was a major disruption at St Leonards and he would keep them informed when it cleared. That morning they'd both forgotten to take a book with them, so while they had been waiting they had been chatting. It was at this point when they introduced themselves. They continued to chat and really got to know a lot about each other in the next hour or so. Finally the train started moving and it was with great relief that they finally alighted at North Sydney.

Steve asked for Therese's number and she willingly obliged. He rang her the next day and suggested they met for drinks in the city on Friday. They met and seemed to get on well, same interests, the love of sharing funny stories, so drinks on Friday became a regular occurrence. A couple of months later things changed when Steve asked her out for a Saturday night dinner. They moved forward from this point and were seriously dating.

The next step was to move in together, which for both of them seemed no big ask. Their apartment had a fantastic view of the Harbour Bridge. In their new home they loved each other's company and felt they were falling in love more and more. Living together can test a relationship but with Therese and Steve it only made them grow from strength to strength. They realised they had the same life goals and aspirations. They loved sharing their new home with friends and family. They got a big kick out of entertaining as both were superb cooks. They even joked with each other about who should be on Master Chef.

One day Steve was very secretive when he asked Therese to go for a walk with him. They left the apartment and Therese was chatting away so she didn't really notice where Steve was leading her. They started crossing the Harbour Bridge and half way across Steve stopped. Steve turned to her and dropped to one knee. He proposed, and she willingly accepted. They got a big round of applause from the bemused passer-bys.

Therese says what she loves about Steve is that he listens, like really listens to her. He is warm, sensitive and open, a really good person to be around, with a really good heart. If she's feeling down then all she needs to do is think of Steve and immediately she has a smile on her face. He's her rock when everything's getting too much. She loves him unconditionally.

Steve says what he loves about Therese is her zany sense of humour. She is a bit ying and yang in that she can be strong then be a bit flaky, intelligent and then a little blonde, love to share but always gets the last piece of chocolate. She is loving at all times, considerate, thoughtful and wonderful in creating a home together. He looks forward to growing old together and having lots of babies, who'll look just like her, and not like him. He feels they are soul mates.

They understand that the road ahead will have it's up and downs, but having each other to rely on and share that journey will make it easier for both of them.

They look forward with supreme happiness to their life ahead which will be full of joy, hope, shared aspirations and lots of love. They know that sharing the rest of their lives together with each other, and with all of you, their family and friends, will make the journey that they started on that train – magical.

The Harbour Bridge has featured as the backdrop to many memorable happenings in their beautiful relationship so far and that is why we are gathered here today, underneath the spans of the Harbour Bridge to celebrate and witness this union between Therese and Steve.

I would like to call on Carl for the 2nd Reading, the Apache Wedding Prayer Blessing

2nd Reading – an Apache Wedding Prayer Blessing – Anon – read by Carl

Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be shelter to the other
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no more loneliness,
For each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two bodies,
But there is one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place,
To enter into the days of your togetherness.
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

We now come to the formal part of the ceremony:


“As a civil celebrant, I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law. “Therese and Steve before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

The celebrant moves to the centre behind them and they face each other.

The Asking

We now come to the asking:

Celebrant to Steve
Do you Steve choose Therese to be your wife and loving partner? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in richness and poorness and forsaking all others so long as you both shall live?

Steve: “I do.

Celebrant to Therese
Do you Therese choose Steve to be your husband and loving partner? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in richness and poorness and forsaking all others so long as you both shall live?

Therese: “I do.

We will now share with Therese and Steve as they exchange their vows.


(quietly) Steve repeat after me.

I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, Steve, take you, Therese, to be my lawful wedded wife.
Therese, I love you as my best friend and mate.
I am so proud that you will be my wife.
I will look after & care for you from this time on,
As our marriage grows, and we share many adventures together,
I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with you.

(quietly) Therese repeat after me.

I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, Therese, take you, Steve, to be my lawful wedded husband.
Steve, I love you as my best friend and mate.
I am so proud that you will be my husband.
I will look after you & care for you from this time on,
As our marriage grows, and we share many adventures together,
I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with you.

Ring Exchange

(quietly) Steve repeat after me.

Steve: This ring represents my commitment to the undertaking of our joining together, and is the tangible symbol of my love and respect for you. Our family and friends witness the giving of this ring as a binding act of my promise to be faithful, honest and stand by your side, as we grow old together.

(quietly) Therese repeat after me.

Therese: This ring represents my commitment to the undertaking of our joining together, and is the tangible symbol of my love and respect for you. Our family and friends witness the giving of this ring as a binding act of my promise to be faithful, honest and stand by your side, as we grow old together.

Declaration to the guests

Marriage is a wonderful step to take in one’s life, so I congratulate, Therese and Steve, for taking that step and believing as they both do so much in marriage.

Everyone gathered here today, your family and friends have witnessed your joining together to become a committed couple. They rejoice at your joy, hope and the love that they can see will be your future family life together.

Therese and Steve, you have listened to this ceremony about love and marriage, and you have displayed your love by exchanging vows and the giving of rings, so it is with great joy and happiness I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Steve you may now kiss your bride.

Signing of the Register

Music – How Do I Live – Leanne Rimes

Therese and Steve together with their witnesses Peter & Joanna will now sign the Register.

Presentation of Certificate (After signing)

Ladies & Gentlemen, please join me in congratulating the happy couple as I present to you, Mr and Mrs (Surname).

Music for the processional exit

I Got You Babe – Sonny & Cher